After 13 Years, Ninth Circuit Nordyke Ruling Allows Gun Shows On Alameda County Fairgrounds

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After 13 Years, Ninth Circuit Nordyke Ruling Allows Gun Shows On Alameda County Fairgrounds
NRA – ILA Read more
When people want to have legal rights in having or purchasing firearms, it’s better if they have their own FFL first. FFL is the short for Federal Firearms License that is given or issued for people or companies dealing with firearms transactions. People can’t just have firearms without having the legal license; let alone starting to buy and sell those guns. If they don’t want to violate any laws or state regulations, it’s important that they have their FFL. After all, applying for the FFL process isn’t difficult at all.
There’re lots of benefits people can get when they have their own Federal Firearms License. The advantages are: Read more