Archive for admin

Oklahoma Governor Signs Open-Carry Gun Bill

Oklahoma Governor Signs Open-Carry Gun Bill (via Knesek Guns)

Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin signed into law a bill that will allow Oklahomans to openly carry guns if they pass a criminal background check and take firearms training. Fallin, a Republican, said the new law “sends a strong message that Oklahoma values the rights of its citizens to defend themselves…

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Texas stand your ground shooter headed to prison

Saw this story: Texas ‘stand your ground’ shooter headed to prison

A Texas man convicted of shooting and killing his unarmed neighbor during a dispute over loud music received a 40-year prison sentence on Wednesday.

Raul Rodriguez, 47, faced a minimum of five years and a maximum of life in prison. He claimed he shot schoolteacher Kelly Danaher in self-defense under Texas’ version of the “stand your ground” law. Read more